Alright I have been getting alot of requests from people asking me how do they get people to see their game server or more directly how to host a game on starcraft. Well I will now include everything you need to know to get started! You don't have to be a computer repair guru do it! It's easy and every one has the ability to host games and gaming servers!
The main reason why people cant get people to join their games/servers is because for your protection by default inbound Internet connections are blocked so as to prevent unwanted access to your computer. And all we need to do is open those connections up! This article will address how to do so with windows firewall, a modem, and or a router.
One thing I learned early on in my computer repair career is how to allow legit good programs to get past the windows firewall! And this is step number one. Configuring your windows firewall to allow starcraft access. Why starcraft? Well it is a good example to use for demonstrating however the same can be applied to any .exe gaming server or port number. Alright now this video shows a simple walk through for adding a program into the list of accepted programs in windows xp firewall
If you have windows vista or windows 7 then the steps are more or less the same so here is a general run down. Step on find your control panel you can click either start you go to my computer. Step two locate windows firewall. Step three make sure the firewall is on and allows exceptions. Step four click on add a program to the safe access list(or something similar). Browse around (ussually in program files) for starcraft.exe and then once you have found it click the button to add it into the list. OR you can add a port instead in which case the port you want to add is both udp and tcp 6112 (that's the port number) If you use a gaming server then enter the port number and network protocol (tcp/udp) for your server.
And that's it for the windows firewall! Now if you have a modem instead of a router then you might be done at this point and may not need to continue go ahead and try to host a game.
You will need to have administrator access to your router for this. Go to your browser and type in (Last two digits might be different depending on your router type! just google what it is or try checking the bottom of the router) when you do a user name and password prompt should come up (you need to know what the name and password is) If you don't know it then go to You will need to know the brand name of your router and the model number and scroll down in the list till you see it and then click on it. An advertisement will come up which you can skip if you prefer. Then a list of games will come up which you can select from in order to allow them access to your router. Find starcraft and click on it. Ignore the part regarding static ip (if you are using starcraft) and then follow the rest of the steps to let starcraft past the routers firewall so you can host a game!
And that's it you are done no need to call a computer repair man out after all! If you have more questions however you can go ahead and contact me through comment or through the tech support tab
A professional computer repair technician explains in simple do it yourself terms how to handle various computer repair problems!
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
Windows 7 backwards compatibility mode
Some times when dealing with a new operating system like windows 7, Some programs stop functioning or wont run like starcraft. And then you may feel the need to look up local computer repair help. This however is not always necessary! Windows 7 as well as older operating systems allows you to run old programs in backwards compatibility mode. Which in a nut shell means this. If you have a program or a game like starcraft you would like to play that's designed to run on much older operating systems then you can right click on the game icon and select run in compatibility mode. Or you may have to right click on the icon and select properties first then look for a tab which mentions compatibility. And then that's it!
Now as a note of interest, it seems windows 7 does not like to run starcraft even in backwards compatibility mode! If you find that this is the case then I recommend shutting off ALL programs you have running and then trying it.
Now as a note of interest, it seems windows 7 does not like to run starcraft even in backwards compatibility mode! If you find that this is the case then I recommend shutting off ALL programs you have running and then trying it.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Glossary of terms for computer tech jargon!
Seems applicable to me for the do-it-yourself computer repair folks out there and a reference guide glossary of terms is useful and so I will herein include a list of abbreviations, terms, and general jargon along with their meanings and explanation. Bare in mind this will in no wise be a complete list as that would be a few books worth of information!
- TOWER = The case your computer parts are stored in. usually shaped like an elongated box.
- HDD/HD = This is your hard drive located in your "My Computer" folder for windows OS, it stores all your information, programs and files.
- OS/OPERATING SYSTEM = Your Operating System is what enables you to easily control programs and files on your computer. Some operating system are called "Windows", "Linux", "Unix", "Android", "Mac OS" and various other brands.
- MEMORY/RAM = Memory generally refers to the part of your computer which is designed to hold and retrieve information quickly. Memory can also refer to the storage space on your hard drive, although they are typically a separate thing. Memory usually looks like thin pieces of circuit boards with some integrated circuits on it, placed inside the mother board of your computer. There are many different types of memory too as they come in all shapes and sizes for example, DDR, DDR2, DDR3, SDR etc. Memory is also known as RAM or random access memory. The more memory you have the faster your computer can retrieve and manipulate data.
- MOTHER BOARD = The main electronic board inside your tower is called the mother board. It is the most easily identified piece of equipment in your computer as it is the largest piece. Everything plugs into your mother board. When looking to upgrade parts of your computer, it is usually necessary to make sure new parts are compatible with your mother board version. You can look this up online by typing in your mother board make and model which can be found inside printed on the board itself, or you can call up your local computer repair man to take a look at it for you.
- COMPUTER REPAIR/IT GUY = "IT" stands for "Information Technology" and is a broad spectrum term used to define any area with in computer or high technology based fields. An IT professional will be able to handle your computer repair needs. Some work solely for specific companies or corporations. Some work for business and residential as part of a larger IT company, and some do computer repair and general IT work as a freelance such as myself. Most professional computer repair men and women will be either A+ certified or comptia certified as those are pretty much industry standards.
- CPU/CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT = This is the brain of your computer it is a relatively small chip which sits inside the motherboard and is covered by a big heat sink metal piece and a fan. It heats up pretty quickly which is why care is taken to ensure it keeps cool. It is the other half of the coin in responsibility for your computers speed. CPU power and RAM is the combination for computer performance speed. The more you have of each, the faster your computer will run.
- ISP/INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDER = The company you pay money to in order to be able to connect to the Internet.
- BROWSER/WEB BROWSER = A program used to look up websites on the Internet. Some browsers are known as "Internet Explorer" by Microsoft, "FireFox" by Mozilla, "Chrome" by Google and many more.
- BIT = A bit is either a "1" or a "0" it basically has to do with the electricity that runs in your computer being either on or off. That's how the computer thinks in the CPU is by looking at a code of zeros' and ones' to see a pattern of information. Kind of like Morse code expect blazing by at millions or even billions of times a second.
- BYTE = A byte is just eight bits. For example "10011010"
- KB/KILOBYTE = "Killo" means 1000 so a kilo byte is one thousand bytes.
- MB/MEGABYTE = "Mega" is a million so one mega byte is one million bytes.
- GB/GIGABYTE = "Giga" is one billion or in this case 1 billion bytes.
- TB/TERABYTE = "Tera" is 1 trillion
Monday, August 22, 2011
The problems with buying a pre-made ready to go computer from the store
PC's these days come in all sorts of shapes and sizes and different specifications and depending on the specs depends on what the price is going to be. Ideally one shops for a computer to meet their specific computing needs. Here is what you expect when buying a new computer from the store.
1. You get everything you need to ensure long lasting life of your PC
2. With everything brand new, there wont be any crashes or bugs
3. Surely with a brand new top of the line PC and operating system there wont be any slowness.
4. All your problems with your old PC will be solved by getting a new PC
These are the 4 main assumptions and all of them are wrong.
"You get everything you need to ensure long lasting life of your PC"
It used to be that back in the day not only did you receive everything needed to maintain your computer but also some sort of warranty or what not. THESE days however this is not the case. While some sort of warranty service may be offered for an additional fee from the store in which you guy your new PC, all the driver software and operating system disks are no longer included in the package of what you pay for. Where as in the past it was most definitely included. In the past if you payed for something and did not receive it in full that was considered a crime. These days however certain people feel it is an acceptable practice not to provide you with the driver software installation disks that instruct your computer how to work all of its inside components AND your operating system disk. "Why is that bad?" lets say for instance you receive a nasty virus or some other form of malady that cripples your computer. You or your computer repair man need those disks to help restore your computer after its been wiped out. The driver installation disks tell the computer how to use its own motherboard, Internet connection, sound card, video card, dvd rom drives, pretty much everything. And the operating system disk is for re-installing the operating system should your computer need to be re-formatted, or if there is a serious problem with the operating system that normal computer repair methods can not fix then there are methods of repair that can only be used in conjunction with the original OS installation disk.
Needless to say there are certainly viable reasons for requiring those disks. From a computer repair/tech stand point I often times require the driver cds in order to fix hardware problems which may occur through normal operating system updates and driver conflicts. I will give you a perfect example... I was performing a computer repair service on a clients brand new windows 7 hp computer. As it turns out one of her windows 7 updates had caused an error with her dvd rom drive and it no longer functioned because it had corrupted her dvd rom drive driver. She could put in a cd or a dvd and the computer would not read it. One method of fixing which attempted in these situations is a re-installing of the dvd rom drive driver. However she did not have those drivers and it ended up costing her more money for me to get the job done than it would have normally.
"With everything brand new, there wont be any crashes or bugs"
On the contrary things which are brand spanking new have by nature tons of bugs and problems for lack of experience. Now with a brand new computer chances are your physical individual components are not only going to run smoothly but run for a very long time, that's the upside. The downside is will everything run smoothly cohesively together? =P the main cause for bugs in a new system is not usually hardware related but due to the newness of the OS(operating system) Windows 7 is still very new even though there is a service pack out for it. problems arise all the time with compatibility especially. Whenever a new update comes down the pike and installs itself onto your computer there is always a chance it will cause a conflict with another program or hardware resulting in yet again more professional computer repair help, as seen in the case with my client mentioned above. What can you do? Well nothing really, the problem is not a deliberate attempt by Microsoft or computer manufacturers to sock it to you. =P Unforeseen conflicts and problems arise that's just how it is. And so that is also why new updates constantly come to your computer. New operating system updates should come every now and again (if you have automatic updates turned on) and then new driver versions are created by the manufacturers of your hardware as well (usually have to be downloaded and installed manually). If you are thinking to yourself "well I will just get a PC with out windows 7 on it and go with a more reliable operating system) then I say to you good luck because every pc these days comes with windows 7 pre-installed. And unless you want to format the computer yourself and install a different OS then you will be hiring a computer repair guy like me to do it =P
"Surely with a brand new top of the line PC and operating system there wont be any slowness."
Wrong again =/ there isn't just one company which manufactures computer parts or software that goes on your PC. There are many and as it turns out they are all in bed with each other sort of speak. And so what ends up happening is when you purchase a new PC it comes pre-installed with a bunch of gimmick programs and processes and useless junk which runs all the time in the background with out you knowing it, causing unwanted performance loss and slowness! Most people have no idea what these programs are, what they are for, or how the affect their system. And over time as you work more and more on your PC through things will start to deteriorate and those programs which came pre-installed now start to cause real problems and then you hire a computer repair guy like myself to deal with it.
"All your problems with your old PC will be solved by getting a new PC"
Well sure technically you shouldn't have the exact same old problems as you may have been suffering with before. But what you do is in effect exchange one set of problems with another set. At least with the problems before you knew what to expect through use and experience. However with a new machine one has to count the cost and see if dealing with the new problems out-weigh dealing with the old. To think of things in practical terms it is basically a trade off. With a new PC you have to re-learn how to operate your computer and OS all over again, things will be out of place out of sorts and frustrating for a while. And you may end up hiring a computer repair man like myself to teach you how to operate your new system =P
End summary
Are there any pros to buying a pre-built computer from the store? Sure, of course there is otherwise why would people still be doing it. Its relatively cheap compared to other options. But if you weigh the cost of buying the computer now verses having to deal with the computer repair problems that come from it later.. is it really cheaper?
Here is my suggestion. Don't buy a pre-built machine, build your own. Take some time to figure out what is involved with doing it so you make sure you have everything you need or else hire a computer repair guy to explain to you how its done. When building your own you buy every piece individually, the tower, the motherboard, the memory, the dvd rom drive, the operating system , the software etc. And when you do that you will have your driver and OS installation cd's. You will also have a PC which doesn't come pre-installed with a bunch of garbage programs slowing you down and you will have a PC which is specifically designed for what you need it for. You will know what to expect when you build it as well. It can be cost effective doing it this way as well however chances are if you want to build it so that it can be easily upgraded in the future so it doesn't go out of date then it may require a bit more money than buying a pre-built PC outright.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Hard drive failure? Data loss?
If you are experiencing any signs or symptoms of potential hard drive failure or data loss or suspect that you may be having a problem with such then the first thing and most important to know is that time is critical.
You may experience data loss as a result of some virus or other software related problem or your hard drive may indeed be mechanically failing.
If your hard drive is mechanically failing and about to give up the ghost there isn't much can be done to save the drive itself. The name of the game at that point is to get off as much VITAL data as possible. Not all programs and data on your computer needs to be backed up only those things which are most important to you. So at this point its all about triage data saving. For example if you have pictures or music that you can not get again then you may want to attempt to back up your entire music folder and picture folder. Same thing with any word documents or anything you think you may not ever be able to obtain again THAT'S the kind of data you are looking for at this point.
How to back up your data quickly in a hard drive emergency...
If you are able to get on your computer and see your desktop then you want to insert a flash drive or some other external drive which you can quickly throw files onto. The idea is to KNOW where your vital data is located, go to it quickly and drag and drop it into the external drive! If you have a slave drive which you believe to be intact and not experiencing any problems. You may also throw back up data onto the hard drive of a network connected computer if that's still functioning.
First signs of mechanical hard drive failure...
When a drive starts to go bad it deteriorates very quickly with in minutes or hours or days if you are lucky.
The computer may start randomly freezing up. On start up the computer may require to run a disk scan. If it does let it run its scan. At the end of the scan pay close attention to how many bytes there are in known bad sectors. Ok ok ok =P let me explain a little bit about that. Your hard drive has like little pockets where it stores information those pockets are called sectors some times those pockets can go bad. In fact all hard drives have at least a small amount of bad sectors, that's normal lets say around 32kb (kilobytes). What you are looking for however is if the amount of data in those bad sectors is abnormally large lets say larger than 32kb. Now after the scan is done the computer will quickly list a bunch of stats and numbers before it resumes normal start up. What you have to do is look down where it talks about bad sectors and see the number of kilobytes or megabytes are located in those sectors.
If you couldn't see it in time before the computer started back up fully then you can click on start, my computer,right click on local disk(C) (its usually C it might be another letter) click on properties, then click on the "tools" tab at the top then hit the check now button on error checking select "scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors" and "automatically fix the file system errors" then begin the scan.
Click on the image for an animation walk through of starting a scan
IMPORTANT NOTE while scanning you can run no other programs nor is it advised to open any folders or do anything really. Just make sure you shut down all your programs including Internet and e-mail and let the scan run its course.
If you ever suspect hard drive failure it is strongly advised you make back ups immediately. When a hard drive goes there may be a point where you can still access your desktop and move files around but that ends very quickly. Final notes on mechanical hard drive failure, There are programs out there which can attempt recovery of data from hard drives that no longer are able to start up. The way they work is by taking out your drive from your computer and placing it into another computer as a slave drive. The other computer is equipped with the software and a trained/experienced operator or computer repair guy of the program may be able to recover some data. Or else if that will not work you could spend thousands upon thousands of dolars for a hard drive transplant procedure which involves a clean room and taking out the actual disk from your hard drive and placing it into another of equal make and model type. Either way, good luck.
Software based data loss...
Lets say a virus is eating away at all your files. It could be risky to connect an external hard drive or a flash drive as the virus may be able to transport itself to that as well. First thing is shut it down and find a computer that has a good up to date working anti virus program. You can use a mapped drive connection with an Ethernet cable between the infected computer and the computer with anti virus to run a scan of the infected computer. If you don't have another computer with good up to date anti-virus or have no idea how to do what i just said then hunt down some one who does or hire a computer repair guy to help with it. IMPORTANT NOTE. If a virus is eating away your files you may see your icons start to change to an unknown type of icon, and as long as your computer is turned on that virus will east away your data. BUT if the computer is turned off then it cant! =D
last thoughts...
Chances are if you are experiencing any of the above problems or symptoms you will most likely need to hire a professional computer repair specialist. However a computer repair man is not always necessary if you can catch things in time and have the proper skill to handle such things. Best defense against viruses eating your data is to have a top of the line up to date anti-virus program running. There is no defense against mechanical hard drive failure there is only the "back up plan" =P having regularly scheduled back up programs running on your computer with a back up drive connected can save you alot of headaches and heart aches. Eventually hard drives go bad that's just the way it works.
If you have further questions regarding this article please feel free to ask in the comments section.
You may experience data loss as a result of some virus or other software related problem or your hard drive may indeed be mechanically failing.
If your hard drive is mechanically failing and about to give up the ghost there isn't much can be done to save the drive itself. The name of the game at that point is to get off as much VITAL data as possible. Not all programs and data on your computer needs to be backed up only those things which are most important to you. So at this point its all about triage data saving. For example if you have pictures or music that you can not get again then you may want to attempt to back up your entire music folder and picture folder. Same thing with any word documents or anything you think you may not ever be able to obtain again THAT'S the kind of data you are looking for at this point.
How to back up your data quickly in a hard drive emergency...
If you are able to get on your computer and see your desktop then you want to insert a flash drive or some other external drive which you can quickly throw files onto. The idea is to KNOW where your vital data is located, go to it quickly and drag and drop it into the external drive! If you have a slave drive which you believe to be intact and not experiencing any problems. You may also throw back up data onto the hard drive of a network connected computer if that's still functioning.
First signs of mechanical hard drive failure...
When a drive starts to go bad it deteriorates very quickly with in minutes or hours or days if you are lucky.
The computer may start randomly freezing up. On start up the computer may require to run a disk scan. If it does let it run its scan. At the end of the scan pay close attention to how many bytes there are in known bad sectors. Ok ok ok =P let me explain a little bit about that. Your hard drive has like little pockets where it stores information those pockets are called sectors some times those pockets can go bad. In fact all hard drives have at least a small amount of bad sectors, that's normal lets say around 32kb (kilobytes). What you are looking for however is if the amount of data in those bad sectors is abnormally large lets say larger than 32kb. Now after the scan is done the computer will quickly list a bunch of stats and numbers before it resumes normal start up. What you have to do is look down where it talks about bad sectors and see the number of kilobytes or megabytes are located in those sectors.
If you couldn't see it in time before the computer started back up fully then you can click on start, my computer,right click on local disk(C) (its usually C it might be another letter) click on properties, then click on the "tools" tab at the top then hit the check now button on error checking select "scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors" and "automatically fix the file system errors" then begin the scan.
Click on the image for an animation walk through of starting a scan
IMPORTANT NOTE while scanning you can run no other programs nor is it advised to open any folders or do anything really. Just make sure you shut down all your programs including Internet and e-mail and let the scan run its course.
If you ever suspect hard drive failure it is strongly advised you make back ups immediately. When a hard drive goes there may be a point where you can still access your desktop and move files around but that ends very quickly. Final notes on mechanical hard drive failure, There are programs out there which can attempt recovery of data from hard drives that no longer are able to start up. The way they work is by taking out your drive from your computer and placing it into another computer as a slave drive. The other computer is equipped with the software and a trained/experienced operator or computer repair guy of the program may be able to recover some data. Or else if that will not work you could spend thousands upon thousands of dolars for a hard drive transplant procedure which involves a clean room and taking out the actual disk from your hard drive and placing it into another of equal make and model type. Either way, good luck.
Software based data loss...
Lets say a virus is eating away at all your files. It could be risky to connect an external hard drive or a flash drive as the virus may be able to transport itself to that as well. First thing is shut it down and find a computer that has a good up to date working anti virus program. You can use a mapped drive connection with an Ethernet cable between the infected computer and the computer with anti virus to run a scan of the infected computer. If you don't have another computer with good up to date anti-virus or have no idea how to do what i just said then hunt down some one who does or hire a computer repair guy to help with it. IMPORTANT NOTE. If a virus is eating away your files you may see your icons start to change to an unknown type of icon, and as long as your computer is turned on that virus will east away your data. BUT if the computer is turned off then it cant! =D
last thoughts...
Chances are if you are experiencing any of the above problems or symptoms you will most likely need to hire a professional computer repair specialist. However a computer repair man is not always necessary if you can catch things in time and have the proper skill to handle such things. Best defense against viruses eating your data is to have a top of the line up to date anti-virus program running. There is no defense against mechanical hard drive failure there is only the "back up plan" =P having regularly scheduled back up programs running on your computer with a back up drive connected can save you alot of headaches and heart aches. Eventually hard drives go bad that's just the way it works.
If you have further questions regarding this article please feel free to ask in the comments section.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Internet Security: (Password protection)
Forgive me but I write today's post with a certain level of disgust at the lack of common sense when it comes to how people handle their Internet passwords sometimes resulting in un-nessecary computer repair!
The typical Internet user when he or she signs up for some program online is usually required supply an e-mail address and a password during the sign-up process, as well as their name and various other details of their person. The typical Internet user will also fill out that form in perfect truthful detail thinking nothing of the fact that they are telling perfect strangers who they are, what their e-mail is AND (here it comes) more often than not they supply these strangers with the same password as is required to access their e-mail. So this is what it boils down to. I give some one I don't know my name, my e-mail and the password to access my e-mail and then I become surprised when my e-mail gets hacked into and my identity stolen and all my friends and family in my e-mail contacts are also scammed because the hackers who broke into my e-mail e-mailed them and sent them viruses and Trojans for stealing personal information, and they (my e-mail contacts) believing they are receiving an e-mail from me, happily opens the malware attachment and get their identity stolen and the circle of identity theft is complete... Good job!(sarcasm)
friends I cant tell you how often that's been the case with my clients when they call me, their computer repair guy freaking out over what has happend. Never EVER supply your e-mail password on any form which ALSO requires your e-mail address...
What to do then?
The answer is quite simple. Have more than one password which you can use for signing up for things.
In reality its a good practice to have about 5 passwords that you can rotate around depending on the situation. If a sign up form requires both an e-mail address and password no problem give them one of your passwords that is not used to access your e-mail otherwise if they don't require an e-mail address then you can give them your normal password.
Also don't make your 5 passwords some long unfamiliar thing which is hard to remember. Let it be something personal that you can easily remember. For example if you have trouble remembering a password like "2466835831" then choose something else such as a word or better yet a phrase. "theworldgoesaround" is an example of a phrase. Now in order to make your password harder to figure out take out some of the letters in your password and replace them with numbers i.e "th3w0r1dg03sar0und" the "o"s are replaced with zeros and the "e"s are replaced with threes the "L" is also replaced with a one.
In the end folks remember that only you are able to prevent your own identity theft and keep from having to hire a computer repair man. Some common sense techniques go a long way to help protect your information.
The typical Internet user when he or she signs up for some program online is usually required supply an e-mail address and a password during the sign-up process, as well as their name and various other details of their person. The typical Internet user will also fill out that form in perfect truthful detail thinking nothing of the fact that they are telling perfect strangers who they are, what their e-mail is AND (here it comes) more often than not they supply these strangers with the same password as is required to access their e-mail. So this is what it boils down to. I give some one I don't know my name, my e-mail and the password to access my e-mail and then I become surprised when my e-mail gets hacked into and my identity stolen and all my friends and family in my e-mail contacts are also scammed because the hackers who broke into my e-mail e-mailed them and sent them viruses and Trojans for stealing personal information, and they (my e-mail contacts) believing they are receiving an e-mail from me, happily opens the malware attachment and get their identity stolen and the circle of identity theft is complete... Good job!(sarcasm)
friends I cant tell you how often that's been the case with my clients when they call me, their computer repair guy freaking out over what has happend. Never EVER supply your e-mail password on any form which ALSO requires your e-mail address...
What to do then?
The answer is quite simple. Have more than one password which you can use for signing up for things.
In reality its a good practice to have about 5 passwords that you can rotate around depending on the situation. If a sign up form requires both an e-mail address and password no problem give them one of your passwords that is not used to access your e-mail otherwise if they don't require an e-mail address then you can give them your normal password.
Also don't make your 5 passwords some long unfamiliar thing which is hard to remember. Let it be something personal that you can easily remember. For example if you have trouble remembering a password like "2466835831" then choose something else such as a word or better yet a phrase. "theworldgoesaround" is an example of a phrase. Now in order to make your password harder to figure out take out some of the letters in your password and replace them with numbers i.e "th3w0r1dg03sar0und" the "o"s are replaced with zeros and the "e"s are replaced with threes the "L" is also replaced with a one.
In the end folks remember that only you are able to prevent your own identity theft and keep from having to hire a computer repair man. Some common sense techniques go a long way to help protect your information.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
The Official tech support post
Computer Repair Moved to the tech support page tab at the top
You asked for it folks and now here it is. Let me start off by reiterating that I am a professional IT and computer repair guy since 1999 I have done both house calls for residential as well as small and large business IT infrastructure settings. Apart from that I have done several remote desktop connection troubleshooting and or computer repair. And that's what this thread is for. Through the magic of the Internet I can help resolve your computer repair woes from a world away!
Here are my rates. I normally charge $25 an hour for tech work but for you my loving loyal fans I will charge $5 dollars to connect to your computer and diagnose whats wrong. And then and additional $5 dollars to fix the problem. So a total of $10 dollars for solving your computer repair problems! No matter how long it takes I will not charge by the hour. $10 dollar flat rate for fixing a problem. And if I can not fix the problem then you are only charged $5 dollars for the diagnosis!
All payments are only accepted through paypal.
You asked for it folks and now here it is. Let me start off by reiterating that I am a professional IT and computer repair guy since 1999 I have done both house calls for residential as well as small and large business IT infrastructure settings. Apart from that I have done several remote desktop connection troubleshooting and or computer repair. And that's what this thread is for. Through the magic of the Internet I can help resolve your computer repair woes from a world away!
Here are my rates. I normally charge $25 an hour for tech work but for you my loving loyal fans I will charge $5 dollars to connect to your computer and diagnose whats wrong. And then and additional $5 dollars to fix the problem. So a total of $10 dollars for solving your computer repair problems! No matter how long it takes I will not charge by the hour. $10 dollar flat rate for fixing a problem. And if I can not fix the problem then you are only charged $5 dollars for the diagnosis!
All payments are only accepted through paypal.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Remote Desktop Connection
Alright so my poll so far shows that you are interested in more information about this little computer repair service
Basically a remote desktop connection allows one person using one computer to connect to another computer and see the desktop and control things or take over the other computer! So in effect if I were to establish a remote desktop connection with one of your computers I would in effect making your computer my own temporarily. I would see everything on your computer as if it were mine, and be able to use the mouse cursor too.
Sounds scary huh? =P
Well let me set aside your fears by clarifying a few things. First there are TWO types of remote desktop connection. The good kind and the bad kind. The bad creates a remote desktop connection to your computer with out you knowing about it or without your permission. Hackers do that from time to time.
The GOOD kind on the other hand is widely used by tech and IT computer repair guys like myself to diagnose and trouble shoot and make general computer repair to peoples computers. The very first remote desktop connection program I ever used was called net-meeting and was designed for making business presentations easier to be shared and stuff. It was awesome had so much fun with my friends on that thing. These days remote desktop connection programs are every where. Even Microsoft makes it a standard feature in their modern day operating systems. To better help you and me work through some problems or what not. Important to note about the good kind of remote desktop connection programs is that they can not work with out YOUR consent. Meaning you have full control of how much a person is allowed to see of your computer and or control. If you want a person to see your desktop/computer only and not be able to control the mouse then you have the power to do that.
So in short I use a remote desktop connection program called VNC (you can look it up in yahoo search or something) in order to preform certain computer repairs. i use the program to connect to your computer and help you solve whatever computer repair problems you may be experincing!
On other thing remote desktop connection programs are only good for solving software or operating system based computer repair problems NOT hardware unless it has to do with a hardware driver that's messing up. So if you have a broken fan in your tower...I wont be able to help with that =P
I hope that answers some of your questions about the RDC program and how it works and what its purpose is. If you still have any further questions please feel free to comment.
And finally my question is would any of you be interested in me doing that for you and you paying me like 5-10 bucks to diagnose and attempt to perform computer repair for some of your computer woes through RDC! =D
Basically a remote desktop connection allows one person using one computer to connect to another computer and see the desktop and control things or take over the other computer! So in effect if I were to establish a remote desktop connection with one of your computers I would in effect making your computer my own temporarily. I would see everything on your computer as if it were mine, and be able to use the mouse cursor too.
Sounds scary huh? =P
Well let me set aside your fears by clarifying a few things. First there are TWO types of remote desktop connection. The good kind and the bad kind. The bad creates a remote desktop connection to your computer with out you knowing about it or without your permission. Hackers do that from time to time.
The GOOD kind on the other hand is widely used by tech and IT computer repair guys like myself to diagnose and trouble shoot and make general computer repair to peoples computers. The very first remote desktop connection program I ever used was called net-meeting and was designed for making business presentations easier to be shared and stuff. It was awesome had so much fun with my friends on that thing. These days remote desktop connection programs are every where. Even Microsoft makes it a standard feature in their modern day operating systems. To better help you and me work through some problems or what not. Important to note about the good kind of remote desktop connection programs is that they can not work with out YOUR consent. Meaning you have full control of how much a person is allowed to see of your computer and or control. If you want a person to see your desktop/computer only and not be able to control the mouse then you have the power to do that.
So in short I use a remote desktop connection program called VNC (you can look it up in yahoo search or something) in order to preform certain computer repairs. i use the program to connect to your computer and help you solve whatever computer repair problems you may be experincing!
On other thing remote desktop connection programs are only good for solving software or operating system based computer repair problems NOT hardware unless it has to do with a hardware driver that's messing up. So if you have a broken fan in your tower...I wont be able to help with that =P
I hope that answers some of your questions about the RDC program and how it works and what its purpose is. If you still have any further questions please feel free to comment.
And finally my question is would any of you be interested in me doing that for you and you paying me like 5-10 bucks to diagnose and attempt to perform computer repair for some of your computer woes through RDC! =D
Thursday, August 4, 2011
My computer keeps spontaneously slowing down!
If you find yourself saying the statement above then this post is for you.
It came to my attention recently that many people have random computer slowness lasting lets say from a few seconds to an hour or what have you. The issue with these folks isnt that the computer gets bogged down doing some task or program that was expected of it. No the issue is at seemingly random times without any prompting, the compuer just starts slowing down maybe even horrifically so.
One thing that should be understood, and as I have stated in previous posts, Your computer does alot of things wether you are aware of it or not. You dont have to be running a program or even at your computer for it to be doing its own thing. As long as the power is on, your computer will be doing many many behind the scenes tasks...
Now in order to get random slowness what has to happen is one or more of those behind the scenes tasks has to get bogged down in operation. And the good news is its relativley easy to figure out whats going on and who the "trouble maker" is =P
If you are running windows (which you should be) you simply press the crtl + alt + delete keys to bring up your task manager. If you are running windows vista or higher when you press crtl + alt + del you should then select "start task manager" Once the task manager is up you will see a number of tabs at the top and various other buttons and lookie-loos =P Below is a picture of a windows xp task manager.
There are 2 tabs to worry about when trying to locate the source of computer slowness, The first is the "Applications" tab which show a list of programs that you have started up manually for example FireFox or Internet Explorer or Microsoft Word or whatever. The only programs that should be in that list should be the ones that you have started up yourself, anything else is a problem. For example lets say you start up Internet explorer and when you are done with it you close it down but it doesnt close down all the way or some kind of error occurs. Internet Explorer at this point may still be inside the Applications tab list. In order to get rid of it you can click on it in the list then click the button that says "End Now" You will eventually be promoted to end the program now or wait till it closes by itself, that desicion is yours but I ussually say close now.
The second tab you need to know about is "Processes" tab. Below is an example
This tab is important because it will show you the problem at hand. There are 3 columns inside this tab The First one to the far left is the name of the program running in the background. The second row with numbers shows how much cpu or processing power that program is using. It is measured in percentages 100% being max processing power. Any one program that shows anything close to 100% lets say 70-90% is going to slow your computer down so much you could do a better job calculating with an abbacuss. Please note that the system idle process will ussually have a 98-99% processing rate (that is normal). It bassically shows you how much percentage is available currently or how much is left. Now if the freuqnecy of occurance of your random slowness is alot then you can keep an eye on those programs running in you processes tab and see if the numbers in the second column jump or spike to a high percentange. If it does then congratulations you have just discovered the cause of your slowness! The third column of numbers shows the amount of memory that paticular process is using. This could also be a cause for computer slowness if it isnt CPU usage/processing power then its most likely going to be the memory. Now I cant tell you how much is too much because every computer is different. You will need to know how much you have total to begin with then compare that number to the number that shows how much an indiviual process is using. With windows xp process memory is measured with a k next to it or kilobytes. 1000 k or kilobytes = 1mb or 1 megabytes or 1 million bytes. Most modern computers have a total amount of memory measured in gigabytes or billions of bytes. Now in the image above you will notice that the process called iexplorer.exe is using over 60,000k of memory. That translates to over 60mb. My computer has a total of 1.5gigabytes of memory so that means I have plenty of memory remaining.
Now that all of that has been addressed now its time to talk about the typical causes for random slowness.
In my experince most cases of abnormal slowness are due to one of two things. Anti-virus programs and or operating system automatic updates!
In the case of an Anti-Virus, every time it automaticaly downloads and installs updates it will slow your computer down some. Or every time it does an automatic system scan it will slow your computer down too.
If you find this to be too unbearable then the fix is as easy as configuring the anti virus to only allow manual download of updates and only manual activation of computer scans. These settings will not affect your anti-virus programs automatic virus detection should a virus try to get in so dont worry.
As for the case of windows automatic updates simply configure them so that it doesnt not check for automatic updates at all.
It came to my attention recently that many people have random computer slowness lasting lets say from a few seconds to an hour or what have you. The issue with these folks isnt that the computer gets bogged down doing some task or program that was expected of it. No the issue is at seemingly random times without any prompting, the compuer just starts slowing down maybe even horrifically so.
One thing that should be understood, and as I have stated in previous posts, Your computer does alot of things wether you are aware of it or not. You dont have to be running a program or even at your computer for it to be doing its own thing. As long as the power is on, your computer will be doing many many behind the scenes tasks...
Now in order to get random slowness what has to happen is one or more of those behind the scenes tasks has to get bogged down in operation. And the good news is its relativley easy to figure out whats going on and who the "trouble maker" is =P
If you are running windows (which you should be) you simply press the crtl + alt + delete keys to bring up your task manager. If you are running windows vista or higher when you press crtl + alt + del you should then select "start task manager" Once the task manager is up you will see a number of tabs at the top and various other buttons and lookie-loos =P Below is a picture of a windows xp task manager.
There are 2 tabs to worry about when trying to locate the source of computer slowness, The first is the "Applications" tab which show a list of programs that you have started up manually for example FireFox or Internet Explorer or Microsoft Word or whatever. The only programs that should be in that list should be the ones that you have started up yourself, anything else is a problem. For example lets say you start up Internet explorer and when you are done with it you close it down but it doesnt close down all the way or some kind of error occurs. Internet Explorer at this point may still be inside the Applications tab list. In order to get rid of it you can click on it in the list then click the button that says "End Now" You will eventually be promoted to end the program now or wait till it closes by itself, that desicion is yours but I ussually say close now.
The second tab you need to know about is "Processes" tab. Below is an example
This tab is important because it will show you the problem at hand. There are 3 columns inside this tab The First one to the far left is the name of the program running in the background. The second row with numbers shows how much cpu or processing power that program is using. It is measured in percentages 100% being max processing power. Any one program that shows anything close to 100% lets say 70-90% is going to slow your computer down so much you could do a better job calculating with an abbacuss. Please note that the system idle process will ussually have a 98-99% processing rate (that is normal). It bassically shows you how much percentage is available currently or how much is left. Now if the freuqnecy of occurance of your random slowness is alot then you can keep an eye on those programs running in you processes tab and see if the numbers in the second column jump or spike to a high percentange. If it does then congratulations you have just discovered the cause of your slowness! The third column of numbers shows the amount of memory that paticular process is using. This could also be a cause for computer slowness if it isnt CPU usage/processing power then its most likely going to be the memory. Now I cant tell you how much is too much because every computer is different. You will need to know how much you have total to begin with then compare that number to the number that shows how much an indiviual process is using. With windows xp process memory is measured with a k next to it or kilobytes. 1000 k or kilobytes = 1mb or 1 megabytes or 1 million bytes. Most modern computers have a total amount of memory measured in gigabytes or billions of bytes. Now in the image above you will notice that the process called iexplorer.exe is using over 60,000k of memory. That translates to over 60mb. My computer has a total of 1.5gigabytes of memory so that means I have plenty of memory remaining.
Now that all of that has been addressed now its time to talk about the typical causes for random slowness.
In my experince most cases of abnormal slowness are due to one of two things. Anti-virus programs and or operating system automatic updates!
In the case of an Anti-Virus, every time it automaticaly downloads and installs updates it will slow your computer down some. Or every time it does an automatic system scan it will slow your computer down too.
If you find this to be too unbearable then the fix is as easy as configuring the anti virus to only allow manual download of updates and only manual activation of computer scans. These settings will not affect your anti-virus programs automatic virus detection should a virus try to get in so dont worry.
As for the case of windows automatic updates simply configure them so that it doesnt not check for automatic updates at all.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Taking requests
Alright folks the window of opritunity is now closed! I am no longer taking requests so please do not post them!
If ya missed your chance to ask a tech question fear not! I will be periodically creating new request taking blogs from time to time!
Thanks to all who submitted an inquery.
If ya missed your chance to ask a tech question fear not! I will be periodically creating new request taking blogs from time to time!
Thanks to all who submitted an inquery.
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